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DIY flower vase making idea.

mostafa  (دنبال کنید = دنبال میشوید)
mostafa (دنبال کنید = دنبال میشوید)

DIY flower vase making idea.
How to make a beautiful DIY flower vase
In this video I will show you how to make a beautiful and unique flower vase with Styrofoam and plaster of Paris. This flower vase will look awesome in any room or office.
Many thanks for watching Kandoo arts and crafts
Please like share and subscribe for more amazing craft videos like this.

Some of my other craft videos you may also like:

6 DIY flower vase making ideas.

6 pots and vases compilation

5 animal sculptures compilation.

12mm Thermocol board / Styrofoam board
Thick card / Stock card
Plaster of Paris
Gift bag (cardboard / thick stock card)
Glue gun
Brown acrylic paint
White acrylic paint
Craft glue
Clear varnish spray

Many thanks to Aakash Gandhi for your beautiful music
Heavenly: Aakash Gandhi
Lifting dreams: Aakash Gandhi
Kiss the sky: Aakash Gandhi



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DIY flower vase making idea.

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DIY flower vase making idea.
How to make a beautiful DIY flower vase
In this video I will show you how to make a beautiful and unique flower vase with Styrofoam and plaster of Paris. This flower vase will look awesome in any room or office.
Many thanks for watching Kandoo arts and crafts
Please like share and subscribe for more amazing craft videos like this.

Some of my other craft videos you may also like:

6 DIY flower vase making ideas.

6 pots and vases compilation

5 animal sculptures compilation.

12mm Thermocol board / Styrofoam board
Thick card / Stock card
Plaster of Paris
Gift bag (cardboard / thick stock card)
Glue gun
Brown acrylic paint
White acrylic paint
Craft glue
Clear varnish spray

Many thanks to Aakash Gandhi for your beautiful music
Heavenly: Aakash Gandhi
Lifting dreams: Aakash Gandhi
Kiss the sky: Aakash Gandhi
