سرگرمی و طنز ورزشی کارتون و انیمیشن علم و فن آوری خودرو و وسایل نقلیه آموزش موسیقی و هنر اخبار و سیاست حیوانات و طبیعت بازی حوادث مذهبی
کانال تایید شده پویاکام
Even if the Raptors had run out of AMRAAMs and were forced to engage within visual range, the F-22s can use their stealth to close in unobserved to less than 1000ft to either kill the F-14s with Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinders or 20mm Vulcan cannon fire. Indeed, F-22 pilots flying during exercises such as Red Flag or Northern Edge will often sneak into guns range to make unobserved kills from very close distances by taking advantage of the Raptor’s stealth. More often than not, the Raptor’s quarry is caught completely unaware.

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