در حال بارگذاری ویدیو ...

فعالسازی چشم سوم (Third Eye Activation)


Meet Metaphysicin and experimental psychologist Hamid Ghahramani to get you to know science better with the metaphysical world.
In this video, you have two very practical exercises to help you train your own eye.
Channel link to send to friends: https://www.namasha.com/zehnepenhan
Instagram and Facebook page: zehnepenhan
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/hypnosisfast https://t.me/zehnpenhan


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فعالسازی چشم سوم (Third Eye Activation)

۱۳ لایک
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Meet Metaphysicin and experimental psychologist Hamid Ghahramani to get you to know science better with the metaphysical world.
In this video, you have two very practical exercises to help you train your own eye.
Channel link to send to friends: https://www.namasha.com/zehnepenhan
Instagram and Facebook page: zehnepenhan
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/hypnosisfast https://t.me/zehnpenhan